Toxins, Poet Dr Jarnail S Anand

Dr Jernail S Aanand

Life, its passions, its joys, its losses,
Create a toxic atmosphere
In the mind of man.
Which, if diagnosed, will declare him sick.

Toxins need antioxidants
To be neutralized
So that men could breathe easy
And feel a bit of peace and joy.

Peace and Joy are abstract nouns
No physical possessions
Which can be bought
From a Mall

These are immaterial states of mind
Which can be created
Only by a chemical reaction
In the thoughts of man.

Music and Literature
Help men
To relieve them of these toxins
And experience joy and happiness.

আরো পড়ুনঃ  বিবর্তন কলমে শোয়াইব মাহমুদ শাফি

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